Daily News Article - April 23, 2008
NOTE: Read the background information below before answering the questions.
1. What has the U.S. asked China to do regarding Zimbabwe?
2. How has China responded?
3. What specifically is the An Yue Jiang carrying?
4. In addition to asking China to stop the An Yue Jiang's shipment, what is the U.S. doing to prevent it from reaching Mugabe in Zimbabwe?
5. The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) website states "The ITF represents transport workers around the world and promotes their interests through global campaigning and solidarity." (Visit the ITF website here.)
What is the ITF doing to prevent the weapons from reaching Robert Mugabe?
6. Which countries so far have refused to allow the ship to dock in their ports? (Click here for a map of Africa.)
7. What are churches in Zimbabwe doing about Mugabe's national terror campaign?
8. What does the leader of the ruling political party in South Africa say about the situation?