Daily News Article - March 3, 2025
NOTE: Questions are based on the videos under "Resources" below. The 2nd video is the entire 49 minute press conference. Questions for that are based on the first 3 minutes of the video.
1st Video: Watch the segment from the Feb. 28 Jesse Watters show. Watters points out in the beginning of his commentary: "The first 30 minutes went great...Everyone seemed friendly... Then for some reason Zelensky got an attitude."
1. After he notes (around 2:30) "What good does it do for Zelensky to call us naive? We're not naive.... What question does Watters ask about a deal between Ukraine and Russia?
2. Zelensky warns (3:15) that the U.S. will feel [Russian aggression] in the future. Trump replies "Don't tell us what we're going to feel. We're trying to solve a problem.... You're in no position to dictate what we're going to feel. ... You don't have the cards right now.
What does he tell Zelensky he is gambling with?
3. Around 4:12 what does Watters say about a security deal?
4. Watters asserts "Ukraine's in no position to negotiate terms. We're in charge. He can either accept it, fight Russia himself or look for another sponsor." What credit does he give Zelensky and the Ukrainians?
5. Zelensky tells Trump (7:10) "We've been alone." Trump says "you haven't been alone." How much does he say the U.S. has given Ukraine during President Biden's term?
6. Watters says (7:40) "We're not here to debate. You can debate behind the scenes. You can debate at lunch. But if you debate in the open like this you're gonna lose because Ukraine has no leverage. The minerals were their only leverage and without those you're not getting a peace deal.
At a certain point it didn't even look like Zelensky wanted peace." Watching these clips (and below the Watters video is the full 50 minute press conference), what do you think of President Zelensky's decision to agree to sign the deal, insist on coming to the White House to sign it, and then insist on a "security guarantee" as he took time to air out these grievances in front of the camera? Ask a parent what he/she thinks of the situation.
2nd Video: The full press conference was long. Only the last 10 minutes or so were contentious. Watch the first 3 minutes of President Trump's introductory remarks to answer #7 and 8.
7. How does President Trump characterize the Ukrainian soldiers?
8. What is the tone of President Trump's remarks?