Daily News Article - November 28, 2018
NOTE to students: Before answering the questions, read the excerpt from a New York Times Editorial under “Background” below. Then watch the news reports under “Resources.”
1. Name the presidents of Russia and Ukraine.
2. The first paragraph of a news article should answer the questions who, what, where and when. List the who, what, where and when of this news item. (NOTE: The remainder of a news article provides details on the why and/or how.)
3. a) For what reason did the president of Ukraine ask parliament to impose martial law?
b) What is martial law?
c) For how long and where will martial law be imposed?
4. How are world leaders reacting to Russia’s attack on and seizure of Ukrainian military vessels?
5. a) What accusation did Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov make against Ukraine?
b) Why is Lavrov’s accusation not valid?
6. The NY Times’ editors conclude their editorial by asserting:
Russia cannot be allowed to get away with this continued bullying of Ukraine. By steadily tightening its hold on Crimea, it is gambling that the West will not have the stomach or stamina to impose ever more punishment or provide more military support for Ukraine. But a direct attack on Ukrainian ships cannot go unpunished. Strong condemnations will not do.
The United States and its Western allies can impose stronger economic sanctions, bar their ships from entering Russian ports in the Black or Azov Seas or increase military support for Ukraine.
These actions all carry risk, but so does doing nothing.
Ask a parent or grandparent: Do you agree with this assertion? Please explain your answer.