Daily News Article - December 14, 2011
1. Answer the following questions about the use of drones by local police departments.
a) What uses do the police have for drones?
b) What are the benefits for police departments of using a drone?
c) What concerns do citizens have about law enforcement's use of drones?
d) What concern do pilots have about the drones?
e) How do drones used by law enforcement differ from those used by the military?
2. a) What requirements does the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have for groups applying for drone permits?
b) What types of government groups request drone permits?
3. How are government agencies responding to concerns that they will use the drones to violate citizens' right to privacy?
4. When questioning the use of drones by civilian law enforcement, an ACLU spokeswoman said: "There's a question about the degree to which Americans are going to be able to preserve the privacy of movement that we've all enjoyed."
Answer the following:
-Drones are helpful to police departments, but are they necessary?
-At what point should we give up our privacy to save local government money?
-At what point should we give up our privacy to ensure our safety?
-Does the use of drones by local law enforcement make us more safe?
-Should public universities be given permits to operate drones on campus?
-Do you think local police departments, federal law-enforcement agencies, both, or neither should be given permits to operate drones? Explain your answer.