Daily News Article - February 13, 2017
1. On what grounds did the judges from the Ninth Circuit Court block President Trump’s executive order putting a temporary hold on travel from 7 countries?
2. List the countries President Trump included in his executive order.
3. What does a review of information compiled by the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest in 2016 reveal about immigrants from this country and terrorism?
4. Provide the following statistics:
a) number of people convicted in terror cases since 9/11 who were foreign-born
b) the number of those convicted in terror cases since 9/11 who entered the U.S. as refugees from the 7 countries listed by President Trump in his order
c) the number of those convicted in terror cases since 9/11 who came in on student visas from the 7 countries listed by President Trump in his order
d) the number of those convicted in terror cases since 9/11 who came from the 7 countries listed by President Trump in his order who had became citizens
e) how many of those convicted in terror cases were lawful permanent residents of the U.S.
f) how many of those convicted in terror cases were were illegal aliens
(NOTE: One of those convicted of terrorism from one of the 7 countries listed by Trump was here on a diplomatic visa.)
5. Under what section/law is President Trump authorized to write the executive order on travel from those 7 countries?
For Home Discussion:
Discuss with a parent: Some opposed to the temporary halt on travelers from these countries say that there have been no terror attacks on American soil from individuals from those countries. Others say that the President is targeting Muslims; however, there are 50 Muslim majority countries in the world and the president explained the countries listed do not have stable / reliable governments from whom to obtain accurate information on their citizens. What do you think? Do you agree with the 9th Circuit court or with President Trump? Discuss your answers.