Daily News Article - February 6, 2020
1. The first paragraph of a news article should answer the questions who, what, where and when. List the who, what, where and when of this news item. (NOTE: The remainder of a news article provides details on the why and/or how.)
2. What do you learn from the article about the person who murdered Jody Jones’ brother Rocky?
3. What did Republicans say about Speaker Pelosi’s decision to rip up her copy of President Trump’s State of the Union speech just after he concluded his address?
4. How did Democrats react to Speaker Pelosi’s move?
5. a) Watch the video interview with Jody Jones under “Resources.” What do you think of his anguish over the U.S. Speaker of the House tearing up the President’s speech, which in part detailed the tragedy of his brother’s death, along with the stories of the presidents other invited guests?
b) Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said the president’s State of the Union address was “a pack of lies” and “I thought, 'You know – he’s selling a bill of goods like a snake oil salesman. We cannot let this – we cannot let this stand,’” as she explained her decision to rip up his speech right behind him just as he concluded.
Conservatives and Republicans said this was very inappropriate, etc. Democrats and progressives/socialists applauded her actions. What do you think of Speaker Pelosi’s actions? (Appropriate? very disrespectful? offensive? she is a leader? she behaved badly? etc.) Please explain your answer.
c) If you support what she did, do you think you would support a Republican ripping up a Democratic president’s State of the Union?
If you oppose what she did, do you think you would oppose a Republican ripping up a Democratic president’s State of the Union?
Explain your answer.