Daily News Article - May 16, 2019
1. The first paragraph of a news article should answer the questions who, what, where and when. List the who, what, where and when of this news item. (NOTE: The remainder of a news article provides details on the why and/or how.)
2. a) Which city agencies are included in the ban?
b) Who will not be affected by the ban?
3. For what reasons has the Board of Supervisors banned law enforcement from using facial recognition technology?
4. What stipulations are included in the city ordinance?
5. a) How did the police department respond?
b) How did the Sheriff’s department respond?
6. What do you think? -
a) Should every city ban law enforcement’s use of facial recognition technology? Explain your answer.
b) Would it make a difference if the technology was 100% accurate? Explain your answer.
c) Every store (Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, grocery stores, retail outlets…) and every tech company (Google, Apple, Amazon, social media) have cameras filming you. It is unknown which companies also use facial recognition software. (Apple does for the iphone; Amazon does in its ring doorbell and its Rekognition software).
Should private companies and marketers be banned from using facial recognition software also? Is this a privacy issue? Does only the government have potential to abuse the technology?
Read about Amazon Rekognition.
Is it ok for Amazon, Google and other tech companies to use facial recognition software with its products (cellphones, Ring doorbell, …) but not law enforcement?
7. Should we trust private companies' use of facial recognition and real-time surveillance? What should be/could be done to stop large corporations such as Facebook, Google and Amazon from sharing facial recognition data and conducting their own real-time surveillance?