Daily News Article - December 15, 2005
1. Who said that Saddam moved his chemical weapons to Syria six weeks before the war started? What credentials does he have that make his assertion believable?
2. What remarks about Saddam's weapons did Lt. Gen. Yaalon make in April 2004? Why do you think his recent remarks are much more definite?
3. How do each of the following men add legitimacy to Lt. Gen. Yaalon's assertions?
--Entifadh Qanbar (para. 7)
--Mithal Al-Alusi (9)
--Dick Cheney (14)
--Ariel Sharon (15)
4. List five criticisms the White House has made against Syria in the past week. (para. 10-13)
5. List the facts we know about Syria that increase the probability that Mr. Yaalon's assertion is true.
6. Do you think that Saddam moved his chemical weapons to Syria six weeks before the war started? Explain your answer.