Daily News Article - September 25, 2019
1. In the INTRODUCTION portion of his speech, President Trump stated,
a) “The essential divide that runs all around the world and throughout history is once again thrown into stark relief. It is the divide between those whose thirst for control deludes them into thinking they are destined to rule over others and those people and nations who want only to rule themselves.” What do you think the president’s goal was for emphasizing this point? (Who do you think he was speaking to?)
b) President Trump also asserted, “The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots. The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors, and honor the differences that make each country special and unique.” (from the Intro, last paragraph)
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your answers.
2. Regarding the Trump administration’s program of NATIONAL RENEWAL for America:
a) What is it?
b) What is the Trump administration doing to achieve this goal? (How are they making this a reality?)
c) What changes are being made with international trade as part of the national renewal program?
3. Regarding CHINA:
Following China’s admittance to the World Trade Organization, its government has:
-declined to adopt promised reforms
-embraced an economic model dependent on the massive market areas, heavy state subsidies, currency manipulation, product dumping, forced technology transfers, and the theft of intellectual property and also trade secrets on a grand scale.
a) What example did President Trump use to illustrate his point about the Chinese government?
b) How many factories did the U.S. lose following China’s admittance to the World Trade Organization?
c) What has the Trump administration done to combat China’s unfair trade practices? - What has been the result thus far?
d) President Trump stated in paragraph 20: “For years, these abuses were tolerated, ignored or even encouraged. Globalism exerted a religious pull over past leaders causing them to ignore their own national interest.”
Ask a parent, grandparent or your teacher to explain what he is referring to by this statement.
4. Regarding HONG KONG:
Tens (and/or hundreds) of thousands of people have been protesting against the Chinese government’s control in Hong Kong. What is the president’s tone as he calls on Chinese President Xi to honor the treaty China made to allow Hong Kong freedom and democracy?
5. Regarding IRAN:
a) In what ways does the Iranian regime threaten peace loving nations?
b) President Trump stated, “The regime is squandering the nation's wealth and future in a fanatical quest for nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them. We must never allow this to happen.” What did he say his administration is doing to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons?
c) Ask a parent if he/she thinks strict economic sanctions will succeed in forcing Iran to end its quest for nuclear weapons and to explain their answer.
6. In this first half of his address to the General Assembly, President Trump also mentions support for Israel, and U.S. relations with North Korea and Afghanistan.
The text and video of the address are posted at RealClearPolitics (with credit to Tim Haines) with the headline:
“President Trump Rails Against Globalists, China, Iran In Speech To UN General Assembly”
a) Define rails.
b) After watching all of the clips from the speech, what do you think? Was the president “railing”?
c) How would you describe the overall tone of the president’s speech? (bellicose, belligerent, argumentative, angry, unreasonable, unhinged, serious, calm, authoritative, stalwart, stately…) Explain your answer.
7. What was your overall impression of President Trump’s address?