Daily News Article - October 31, 2013
1. What promise did President Obama make when attempting to persuade the American people to support ObamaCare? (see videos under "Resources" below)
2. What is the truth about the President's promise?
3. The regulations for ObamaCare were written in 2010. What did the Obama administration know at that time about people losing their health insurance under ObamaCare?
4. The White House Spokesman, or Press Secretary, is the official spokesperson for the president and his policies. The spokesman is responsible for collecting information about actions and events within the president's administration and around the world, and interacting with the media, generally in a daily press briefing. The information includes items such as a summary of the President's schedule for the day, whom the president has seen, or had communication with and the official position of the administration on the news of the day.
How has Press Secretary Jay Carney responded to questions about the President's promise that Americans will be able to keep their current health insurance under ObamaCare?
5. What additional guarantee did Obama spokesperson Jay Carney make for Americans who currently have individual health insurance?
6. What penalty is imposed on individuals who use a doctor outside their health insurance network that was not imposed by most plans before ObamaCare?
7. Ask a parent the following:
a) Do you think ObamaCare will, in the long-run, provide better and more affordable health insurance for Americans? Explain your answer.
b) How will the ObamaCare law affect medical care in general: make it better, worse, or it will have no effect? Explain your answer.
c) Conservatives have suggested that President Obama's goal is to dismantle private health insurance companies, and create a government-run system for health insurance, where everyone would have the same health care through the government (like people on medicare and medicaid do). What do you think of this assertion? Explain your answer.