Daily News Article - June 7, 2013
PLEASE NOTE: This is the final article for the school year. StudentNewsDaily postings will resume at the end of August. ("Answers” emails will resume on Sept. 3rd.) Have a great summer!
1. The first paragraph of a news article should answer the questions who, what, where and when. List the who, what, where and when of this news item. (NOTE: The remainder of a news article provides details on the why and/or how.)
2. What specific information is the Obama administration's NSA taking from Verizon?
3. What is the purpose of the NSA? (Read "Background" below the questions for info)
4. a) What is the FISA court?
b) How does this newly disclosed FISA court order of April 25 differ from the usual FISA court orders? (see para. 7)
5. How has the Obama administration been able to get around usual requirements for individual warrants to access the records of millions of Verizon customers?
6. What information is not included in the data collection? (see para. 13)
7. Where did the Guardian acquire this secret information?
8. How many other cell-phone providers were given the same type of FISA court order?
9. For what reason did the Obama administration say the NSA is gathering such extensive information?
10. Do you support the possibility of your phone records being reviewed/saved by the government in the name of anti-terrorism?
OPTIONAL: Read WSJ editor James Taranto's viewpoint of the Guardian's report on the Verizon phone records at: