1. What are biofuels?
2. How does the increased production of biofuels negatively impact food prices?
3. a) Define subsidies.
b) Should the U.S. government subsidize the production of biofuels? Explain your answer.
4. What solution does Nestle Corporation Chairman Peter Letmathe propose for what he says is a crisis?
5. Who does Mr. Lemathe imply is to blame for the increase in food prices due to the production of biofuels?
6. Read the "Background" below. With the exception of the actual farmers who are receiving subsidies and have a market for all of the corn they are able to grow, it appears that mandated and subsidized biofuel production negatively impacts the average American. Do you think the U.S. government should continue its mandate for the production of biofuels? (Does the good outweigh the bad?) Explain your answer.