Daily News Article - March 29, 2019
1. How were U.S. veterans treated by many Americans when they returned home from the Vietnam war?
2. a) What is the objective of the National Vietnam War Veterans Day, which was signed into law in 2017 by President Trump?
b) On what date is this commemoration held each year to honor our Vietnam War veterans?
c) Who does this day honor?
d) How many living Vietnam veterans were there in 2017? How many family members?
3. Why was the date March 29 chosen to honor our Vietnam vets each year?
4. a) How many Americans served in the Vietnam War? [between 1955 and 1975 – the Pentagon said it makes no distinction between veterans who served in-county, in-theater or were stationed elsewhere during the 20 years of the conflict].
b) How many of our troops died in Vietnam?
5. a) How did / will your community, county or state commemorate this day? (Do an internet search if you need to.)
b) What could your school do to honor our Vietnam veterans on this day?
6. Many troops who served in Vietnam speak of the terrible treatment they received from Americans when they returned to the U.S. List some of the things we could do today to say thank you to these men and to make up for the dishonorable treatment they received all those years ago.
a) Do an internet search on POW/MIAs from the Vietnam War. How many men are still missing? What is the U.S. military doing to find them or find out what happened to them?
b) Read an inspiring story: “Vietnam War Hero who blinked ‘torture’ in Morse code” (scroll to bottom of the post for the astonishing video)