Daily News Article - October 18, 2006
1. The Military Commissions Act of 2006 is a law aimed at defining how suspects in the war against terrorism will be interrogated and prosecuted. What did President Bush say about this new law?
2. a) Who is Elizabeth Holtzman?
b) Define habeas corpus.
c) What did Ms. Holtzman say about the new law and habeas corpus?
d) Do you believe suspected terrorists should be entitled to habeas corpus? Explain your answer.
3. a) Who is Nancy Pelosi?
b) What problems does Ms. Pelosi have with the new law?
4. a) Who is Dennis Hastert?
b) Why is the Military Commissions Act so vital to winning the Global War on Terror, according to Mr. Hastert?
5. What points did Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wisconsin) make about the new law?
6. How did House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Missouri) defend the signing of the bill into law?
7. Do you support or oppose the signing of the Military Commissions Act into law? On what do you base your opinion? Explain your answer.