Daily News Article - May 24, 2020
Read the "Background" below before answering the questions.
1. Why was Memorial Day originally called Decoration Day? When/how did it change?
2. What was the original purpose for Memorial Day?
3. a) List the suggestions provided by USMemorialDay .org for how Americans should observe Memorial Day.
b) What is the National Moment of Remembrance? - What is its purpose?
4. What flower and song are associated with Memorial Day? Explain the significance of each.
5. This year consider how your family can take part in any of the activities from question #3. Take some time during the day to honor our fallen soldiers. Do an internet search for "2020 Memorial Day events + the name of your town/city." Have plans been altered due to Covid-19?
6. a) Ask at least one grandparent how his/her family, school and community commemorated Memorial Day when he/she was a teenager.
b) Ask a parent how his/her experience differed from that of your grandparent.
7. Read one of the commentaries linked to under “Resources” below the questions.
a) What adjectives would you use to describe the character of these soldiers?
b) Choose one of the heroes described in the article and read more about his story.