(by Neela Banerjee, Los Angeles Times) WASHINGTON – A long-awaited State Department review of the…Keystone XL oil pipeline released Friday concludes that he project would have minimal impact on the environment, increasing the chances it could be approved in the coming months. [The Obama administration blocked the project last year because environmentalists charged that the original route would have jeopardized environmentally sensitive land in the Sand Hills region of Nebraska. The State Department conducted this new environmental analysis after TransCanada, the pipeline’s operator, changed the project’s route through Nebraska.]
The State Department underscored that the study, a supplemental environmental impact statement, is a draft and that it does not offer recommendations for action on the $7-billion project, which would bring petroleum from the oil sands of Alberta, Canada, to refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas. …
Because the pipeline, which would transport 830,000 barrels per day, would cross a United States border, it needs a permit from the State Department.
A decision on the permit was expected in late 2011 but was delayed by President Obama until after the 2012 presidential election. …
The oil industry and the Canadian government welcomed the new findings. “The Keystone XL project has become one of the most closely examined infrastructure projects in our nation’s history – and it continues to pass with flying colors,” said Karen Harbert, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for 21st Century Energy.
Map of the U.S. energy pipeline system show a vast abundance of crude oil pipelines crossing through states like Montana to Minnesota to Texas. [NOTE: Map above is too small to read the types of pipelines each color represents; this is to give you a general understanding of where most of our pipelines are located.]
Environmentalists charged that the study failed to look fully at the risks and instead regurgitated past conclusions. “What we have is Groundhog Day, with the State Department producing the same result that it produced before,” said Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org, an environmental group leading the fight against the pipeline. …
Keystone XL’s backers, including many Republicans and some labor unions, say the project would create jobs and reduce reliance on oil from politically unfriendly, less stable countries, such as Venezuela.
The draft environmental impact statement says that the annual extraction and shipping of oil sands crude through Keystone XL would fuel 626,000 cars or power 398,000 homes for a year.
The study also says that a barrel of oil sands crude would release about 17% more greenhouse gases than one of conventional crude oil refined in the United States in 2005.
Still, the study states that approving or denying the permit for Keystone XL would not have any effect on the development of the oil sands because companies would use rail, trucks and other pipelines to bring the Alberta (Canada) crude to the U.S. …
The study determined that a new route mapped through Nebraska would avoid the aquifer, which opponents also disputed.
The public has 45 days to comment on the draft. Then, the State Department will issue a final environmental report before Secretary of State John Kerry makes a recommendation about whether the pipeline is in the national interest (according the the AP).
Although the department will officially determine whether to issue a permit, (the LA Times says) Obama indicated in 2011 that he would make the final decision.
Reprinted here for educational purposes only. May not be reproduced on other websites without permission from the Los Angeles Tmes. Visit the website at latimes.com.
1. What is the Keystone XL?
2. a) What is the role of the U.S. State Department?
b) Why must Keystone get approval from the State Department?
3. What did the State Department's new analysis conclude about the Keystone XL pipeline?
4. Why do environmentalists say they are opposed to the new State Department study?
5. How much power would crude oil shipped through the Keystone XL produce per year?
6. Read the information under "Background" below. Do you think the Obama administration should end its prohibition of the pipeline? Explain your answer.
From an InstituteforEnergyResearch.org post on 9/29/11:
From a Bloomberg News editorial posted 9/26/11:
The opposing viewspoints on global warming are:
Global warming is an important issue to understand. The theory that man’s use of fossil fuels (burning coal, oil and gas for energy, which produces carbon dioxide, or CO2) is causing an imminent catastrophic change in the climate – global warming– is believed to be true by many scientists, climatologists, citizens, the mainstream media and Hollywood celebrities, and was made popular by former Vice President Al Gore’s movie “An Inconvenient Truth.” People who believe in this theory say we must reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced by limiting/reducing the amount of fossil fuels we use, or by purchasing offsets.
The belief that man’s activities are not causing an imminent catastrophic change in the climate is held by many other scientists (see MIT’s Professor of Meteorology Dr. Richard Lindzen’s commentary in Newsweek). This view is very unpopular in the media and widely condemned by those who believe man-made global warming is fact. See Newsweek magazine’s online presentation “The Global Warming Deniers.” Those who do not believe man is causing the global temperature to rise don’t believe it is necessary to reduce the production of CO2 by reducing our use of fossil fuels or to purchase carbon offsets.