Daily News Article - November 5, 2024
1. In a lawsuit filed by the ACLU, what did lawyers accuse the South Carolina DMV of doing? Be specific.
2. How did Circuit Judge Daniel Coble rule on the lawsuit against the DMV?
3. a) What does federal election law require state DMVs to do regarding voter registration?
b) What does South Carolina state law allow minors to do regarding voter registration?
4. What information does the ACLU allege the DMV did not give minors when checking the box saying they wished to register to vote?
5. What arguments did the defense attorneys make?
6. What are the numbers: eligible minors, those who voted via other means (their county election boards - most likely online) and those who actually checked "Yes, I wish to register."
7. There is no indication that this problem occurred at every DMV in the state. However, a small number - even one - doesn't mean the system shouldn't work better than it did. Those who get drivers licenses through their state DMV know about the frustrations with this government agency. What does this teach you about counting on the DMV to properly handle your registration to another agency (the Election Commission)?