Daily News Article - March 15, 2011
1. Define the following words as used in the article:
2. a) How many nuclear power plants are there in Japan?
b) How many nuclear power reactors in Japan have been damaged? How many are experiencing possible meltdowns as a result of the earthquake and tsunami there?
3. What specifically has caused the possibility of meltdowns at Fukushima Dai-ichi and Fukushima Daini nuclear reactors?
4. a) Who is Jasmina Vujic?
b) What happens to radiation levels at approximately 1/2 mile away from a reactor, according to Professor Vujic?
5. Why isn't Japan's nuclear crisis nearly as bad as the Chernobyl disaster that happened in the former Soviet Union in 1986?
CHALLENGE QUESTIONS: Read "Nuclear Overreactions" by the WSJ editors at online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704893604576198723013907008.html?KEYWORDS=nuclear+overreactions.
a) What is the main point of this commentary?
b) Do you think the editors make a persuasive argument? Why or why not?