Daily News Article - December 4, 2012
1. What is a ballistic missile?
2. Describe the progress of the three-tiered missile defense system Israel has developed/is developing.
3. How will the ability to protect its civilian population, from not only short-range but now long-range missile attacks, influence the Israeli government's response to Iran's nuclear weapon's program?
4. How has the Iron Dome's success affected the lives of average Israelis?
5. What fact does a scientist working on the anti-missile shield for Israel point out to refute the belief by some that the Iranian government is rational and will not attack Israel with a nuclear weapon when they finally acquire one?
6. Consider the size of Israel compared to its Muslim neighbors (at: sizeofisrael.com). Consider how difficult it is to defend a country this size from mostly hostile neighbors. What is your reaction to Israel's missile-defense shield?