Daily News Article - January 31, 2007
1. a) The name of the U.S.'s legislative branch is Congress, Britain's is parliament. What is the name of the Israeli legislative branch?
b) How are Cabinet members chosen?
(If you don't know the answers, check the CIA World FactBook.)
2. What is significant about Raleb Majadele becoming Cabinet member in Israel?
3. a) How is Mr. Majadele different from his Arab political colleagues?
b) Israel is a Jewish state. Should Israel have symbols that equate the state with Judaism? Explain your answer.
4. What is Mr. Majadele's goal for the next year?
5. Based on Mr. Majadele's own statements and the reactions of Effie Eitam (para. 8), Avigdor Lieberman (para. 10), Elie Rekhess (para. 11), three Arab parties in parliament (para. 12), Jamal Zahalka (para. 13-15) and Akiva Eldar (para. 17)
Do you think that Mr. Majadele's appointment to Cabinet minister will help to improve relations between Jews and Arabs in Israel? Explain your answer.
6. Look at a map of the Middle East at WorldAtlas.com. What do you notice about the only non-Muslim country, Israel?