Daily News Article - April 20, 2009
1. What is the Hebrew name for Holocaust Remembrance Day?
2. What is the central theme of this year's Holocaust Remembrance Day? What is Yad Vashem doing to honor this theme?
3. What will the six torches lit during the opening ceremony tonight at Yad Vashem represent?
4. What will mark the beginning of memorial ceremonies tomorrow?
5. What is the "Unto Every Person There is a Name" ceremony?
6. a) How many Holocaust survivors are living in Israel today?
b) How many Jews were in the world before WWII?
c) How many Jews are in the world today?
d) According to a demographer's estimates, how many Jews would there be in the world today if they hadn't been murdered in the Holocaust?
7. Visit the websites in the "Resources" section below.
a) Watch at least one video from Yad Vashem on the youtube sites. What did you learn that you did not know before about the Holocaust?
b) Visit the website that lists the Holocaust museums around the world. Which museum is closest to your home?
8. What do you think students should do each year to learn about and remember the Holocaust?