Daily News Article - December 5, 2018
1. What three things was George H.W. Bush known for as president, according to the Reuters reporters?
2. List all government positions Bush held in his lifetime.
3. What actions will be/have been taken to honor President Bush?
4. a) What does it mean to ‘lie in state’?
b) What is the purpose of a national day of mourning? Who usually receives that honor?
c) What is a state funeral?
5. During his presidency, the media was regularly critical of President Bush, even though he was a moderate Republican. What is not highlighted in most news reports about his presidency is that Bush was not re-elected to a second term because so many Republican voters were angry that he broke his promise to not raise taxes. At the Republican convention when he was first nominated, he famously promised, “Read my lips, no new taxes.”
In 1992, many Republicans voted for third party Independent candidate Ross Perot, who won 19% of the popular vote. Democrat Bill Clinton won 43% and George Bush 37.4%. It is believed that Bush had been elected to a first term because he was Ronald Reagan’s VP and on his promise to not raise taxes and that he lost a second term because he broke his promise.
This is what the average Republican voter would remember about him more than that he played a part in ending the Cold War. In fact, Ronald Reagan’s two terms in office played a major role helping end the Cold War.
Challenge: Read/watch several news reports on President George H.W. Bush.
a) What aspects of his life and his presidency are highlighted?
b) When a person dies, the good things he/she did should be remembered. George H.W. Bush was a patriot, public servant and a loving family man. It is also important to report accurately on a politician’s role in office, especially the president.
Ask several Republican voters who voted in the 1988 and 1992 elections what they remember most about George H.W. Bush’s presidency.
-How many answer the Gulf War and “Read my lips, no new taxes”?
-How many say the part he played in ending Cold War?
-How many knew he had been the youngest fighter pilot in WWII, and had after many missions been shot down in the sea and then saved by an American sub?