Daily News Article - November 30, 2018
1. The first paragraph of a news article should answer the questions who, what, where and when. List the who, what, where and when of this news item. (NOTE: The remainder of a news article provides details on the why and/or how.)
2. a) What steps did the State Department take in June?
b) What was the goal for these measures?
3. a) Define "vet" as used in this article.
b) List the three measures the Trump administration and U.S. law enforcement are considering taking as a way to further vet students from China.
4. a) Define espionage.
b) Why is the Trump administration concerned that Chinese students attending American universities could be involved in espionage? Be specific.
c) How do you think the Communist government of China could “persuade” honest, well-meaning Chinese students to assist them in spying and intellectual property theft?
5. What is intellectual property and intellectual property theft?
6. Re-read paragraphs 10-15. Watch the video under “Resources.” What should the highest priority for university professors and administrators be: protecting U.S. interests or university interests? (Should the money Chinese students generate for American universities take priority over the risk/danger some might present to the U.S.?) Explain your answer.
7. Some say that publicizing this information will affect how Americans view Chinese students. Democratic Congresswoman Judy Chu of California, who chairs the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus said, “Our national security concerns need to be taken seriously, but I am extremely concerned about the stereotyping and scapegoating of Chinese students and professors.”
Should this concern affect the government’s priority of keeping the U.S. safe? Explain your answer.
8. Read the “Background” below the questions. Do you think the vetting measures the Trump administration is considering for Chinese students are too strict, not strict enough, or the the right amount? Explain your answer.