Daily News Article - October 6, 2014
NOTE: Read the “Background” below the questions before answering.
1. The first paragraph of a news article should answer the questions who, what, where and when. List the who, what, where and when of this news item. (NOTE: The remainder of a news article provides details on the why and/or how.)
2. a) Define exemption.
b) Why has the FAA granted these exemptions?
3. For what other uses have drones been permitted or requested?
4. What safety assurances have the movie companies made?
5. When did Congress order the FAA to create rules for commercial drone use? By what date must the FAA complete the rules?
6. Michael Toscano, CEO of the Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, which has 7,500 members, called the announcement a milestone for the industry. He said the FAA should do more for low-risk proposals such as flying over agriculture and mining.
What major concerns must the FAA address when creating rules for drone use?
7. Consider the following:
a) Who do you think should be permitted to use drones? Explain your answer.
b) Are there some individuals/organizations that should not be permitted to use drones? Explain your answer.
c) Was granting movie companies the first exemptions the best choice?
Should the media get approval for drone use above the home of crime/terrorism victims? above the homes of famous people? above your home?
Is there a limit as to how many commercial drones should be permitted to operate in any area? How high they can fly? Where they can operate?
Should a limit be placed on drone use? Is this different from the number of cars/trucks on the road? or commercial planes?
Explain your answers.