Daily News Article - April 26, 2017
1. The first paragraph of a news article should answer the questions who, what, where and when. List the who, what, where and when of this news item. (NOTE: The remainder of a news article provides details on the why and/or how.)
2. Name the officials who will brief the Senate on North Korea at the White House today.
3. a) What is unusual about the briefing at the White House?
b) What does this unusual briefing highlight?
c) What has been suggested as the reason President Trump wanted to hold the briefing at the White House? (Note: he is not conducting the meeting. It is a briefing by his senior security officials to the Senate)
4. What concern does the Trump administration, South Korea, Japan, China and the world in general have about North Korea?
5. On Monday, President Trump met with the 15 ambassadors who make up the U.N. Security Council. What did he say to the council?
6. China is North Korea’s major ally. President Trump while campaigning made several “undiplomatic” (pro-American) assertions about China.
a) What do you learn about U.S. / Chinese relations under Donald Trump?
b) Ask a parent: are you surprised by President Trump’s diplomacy in persuading China to take a vocal stand against its ally North Korea’s nuclear program? Please explain your answer.
c) Ask a parent: Are you heartened or dismayed by President Trump’s strategy for dealing with North Korea and his insistence that the UN Security Council take a stronger stand? Please explain your answer.
7. President Obama’s stated foreign policy was that of multilateralism (a kind of alliance where multiple countries work together). He was lauded by the media for taking this approach. Unfortunately, during his eight years in office, the U.N. had no success in causing North Korea to stop their nuclear weapons program and belligerence.
Critics of President Trump call him a nationalist and/or populist, and use the terms as a negative and even sinister label. Nationalism is defined as: a feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country often with the belief that it is better and more important than other countries. It is true that President Trump does put America first.
What do you think of Mr. Trump’s ability to take the lead in the world, using a multilateral approach to addressing the threat the madman Kim Jong Un poses to the U.S. and our Asian allies?