Daily News Article - September 24, 2008
1. List the dates of the three upcoming presidential debates.
2. What is the sole topic (agreed upon by both candidates) for the first debate?
3. Do you think the focus of this Friday's debate should shift from foreign policy to the economy? Explain your answer. Ask a parent the same question.
4. What issue did Senator Obama's campaign request as the topic of the third debate?
5. a) Who is the moderator of this Friday's debate?
b) Before moderating the debate, what does the moderator do?
6. Re-read Democrat Christopher Lehane and Republican Scott Reed's comments on what will determine the outcome of the debate in paragraphs 8 and 10. Explain both arguments to a parent and ask if he/she agrees with either assertion and to explain his/her answer.
7. Describe the format for the first debate.
8. a) What reason does each candidate's spokesmen give to explain why the other will have the upper hand in the debate?
b) Why do you think each spokesman is giving the upper hand to the opposing candidate?