Daily News Article - February 26, 2025
Watch the videos under "Resources" below before answering the questions.
1. What is the Alien Registration Act?
2. What will DHS Secretary Noem's plan require undocumented immigrants to do, under the Alien Registration Act?
3. What did Secretary Noem say about DHS's decision to enforce the Alien Registration Act?
4. What is the program designed to do, according to Secretary Noem?
5. a) How many illegal immigrants does the Trump administration plan to deport - or have self-deport - by the midterm election in 2026?
b) Most of these immigrants entered the U.S. under President Biden's open border policy. There are many reasons why an open border policy is harmful to any country. Name three.
6. Consider the danger left-wing activists put ICE agents and their families in when they dox them. Should this doxxing of law enforcement be a crime? Should those who engage in such activities be subject to jail time? Fines? A stern warning from the judge not to do it again?... Explain your answer.