Daily News Article - April 24, 2012
1. How much of Detroit's Fire Department budget is being cut this year?
2. Describe the three solutions Fire Commissioner Donald Austin has proposed as a way of covering the budget cuts in the Fire Department
3. How many of Detroit's fires occur in vacant buildings?
4. In which cases does Fire Commissioner Austin propose allowing vacant buildings to burn down?
5. Do you think the Fire Commissioner's proposals are a good way to solve the budget problems? How should Detroit address these budget issues when there isn't enough money to pay for needed services?
CHALLENGE QUESTION: Read commentaries on Detroit by Thomas Sowell: nationalreview.com/articles/263241/voting-their-feet-thomas-sowell and
Henry Payne nationalreview.com/corner/263118/black-middle-class-exodus-detroit-henry-payne.
What does each commentator say is the reason for the decline of Detroit?