Daily News Article - September 17, 2008
1. Why don't Republicans in the House like the Democrats' energy bill that was passed yesterday? Be specific.
2. How did Democrats in the House dispute the claims of the Republicans?
3. What will the Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act (H.R. 6899) seek to do, as stated in the bill's introduction?
4. a) What did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat representing California (D-Ca.), say about the bill?
b) Define bipartisan.
5. a) List the number of Democrats and Republicans who voted for and against the bill.
To find out how many Democrats and Republicans voted for or against the bill, view the roll call at clerk.house.gov (the roll call is a list how each rep voted). NOTE: Republicans names appear in italics.
b) Republicans disagree with Speaker Pelosi's assertion that the bill is a bipartisan compromise. What do you think?
6. What three claims do Republicans make to back up their accusation that the bill won't help produce oil?