Daily News Article - June 12, 2009
1. For what reasons do Republican lawmakers oppose any type of government-run health care system. (see para. 5-6, 12)
2. What negative consequences does Rep. Boehner say the Democrat sponsored health care reform bill will produce?
3. How does the view of Republican Senators compare with that of Republican Representatives (on health care reform)?
4. a) President Obama says that the Republican accusation that his plan will result in complete government-run health is not true. He says it will just give healthy competition to the insurance companies. With whom do you agree? Why?
b) Ask a parent the same question.
5. Watch the video under "Background" below on the Republicans' Patients' Choice Act plan. Do you think this is a good plan? Why or why not?
b) Ask a parent to watch the video also and discuss your answer.
6. Everyone agrees that health care needs to be reformed. Democrats and Republicans just have opposing views on what plan will actually solve the problem.
On which side of the health care reform issue do your Senators and Representative stand? Do you agree with their positions? Explain your answer.
(Find your Senators' webpages through to Senate.gov. Find your Representative's webpage through House.gov.)
b) Send an email to your Congressmen expressing your support for, or opposition to, their proposed legislation. Remember to be clear, concise and polite.