Regulators can’t answer basic questions about the industry they oversee. Marijuana and edibles were purchased by USA Today and independently tested to check for potency and accuracy in labeling. (KUSA-TV, Denver)
(by Trevor Hughes, USA Today) DENVER — Despite a much-heralded system designed to track every marijuana plant grown and sold, and to independently test samples, Colorado’s recreational pot marketplace very much remains “buyer beware,” in large part because state regulators can’t answer basic questions about the industry they oversee.
State regulators, whose salaries are paid through the fees levied on marijuana growers, processors and retailers, say they’ve focused more on keeping the industry from running afoul of federal prosecutors. They admit they aren’t looking at large amounts of their own data, and acknowledge much of it would be useful to lawmakers and public health experts, as well as the general public.
“There is no playbook to go off of,” said Lewis Koski, the state’s top marijuana regulator. “I think it is safe to say the world is watching.”
Because Colorado regulators refused to make public much of the data it has been collecting for months, USA TODAY purchased nearly $500 worth of marijuana and marijuana-infused foods known as edibles, and then had it independently tested to check for potency and accuracy in labeling.
Our three-month joint investigation with KUSA-TV found that:
“You can’t die from pure cannabis, but we’re doing all kinds of things to cannabis that’s never been done before,” said Genifer Murray, the founder and CEO of one of the state’s largest marijuana testing labs.
One example: marijuana potency has been steadily rising for decades, according to federal scientists:
…Marijuana remains illegal at the federal level. That means the federal scientists who make sure our prescription painkillers meet quality standards or approve the contents of beer have no say in the marijuana marketplace.
In Colorado, regulators have chosen to focus on law-enforcement priorities, rather than broad public health issues, when it comes to analyzing the massive amounts of data they collect. Colorado’s marijuana tracking system is the world’s largest collection of data about how marijuana is grown, processed, tested and sold.
At least in theory.
Koski’s staff said they cannot answer one basic question: How much marijuana has been grown in Colorado this year?
Under state regulations, every commercially grown recreational marijuana plant is tracked with a unique electronic identifier using the same kind of system big-box stores use to manage inventory. The contractor running the system says it has tracked more than 1 million plants since December 2013, and boasts of the system’s ability to tell regulators exactly how much marijuana is in any store, at any time. …..
Koski said his staff, most of whom are sworn law enforcement officers, are using the tracking system to identify grow operations where there’s an unusually high loss of marijuana between the growing, harvesting and processing steps. He said that’s part of his efforts to ensure the industry is following guidelines set out by federal prosecutors and that are intended to keep pot from being diverted to the black market run by criminals and international drug cartels. …..
Our investigation showed Koski’s staff has been using the system to make targeted visits to marijuana stores, comparing the amount of pot the store has inside to what the computer system says it does. In multiple cases, investigators found stores had far more marijuana than they were disclosing, and in some cases were unable to say where the untracked marijuana plants had come from. By withholding plants from the tracking system, store owners can avoid paying taxes on those sales, which could also take place on the black market.
But investigators don’t appear to have access to state-level data about the overall legal marketplace. And state lawmakers are displeased that neither they nor the public can that get basic information.
“How do we understand how to fulfill the voters’ will under the Constitution and do this well if we don’t have basic information about it?” asked Republican Sen. Owen Hill. “We need information. We need transparency; without that we’ve failed the voters’ wishes.”
Added Democrat Rep. Jonathan Singer: “The way I look at it, we have a police blotter, we should be able to have a pot blotter.”
Because the state refused to release any data about marijuana testing, USA TODAY bought 10 samples of marijuana…and 10 samples of edibles that included chocolate, hard candy and straws filled with a sugar-and-marijuana mix. The samples were tested by an independent lab because the law prohibits state-certified marijuana labs from testing for anyone but the licensed marijuana industry.
Our testing results revealed wide variation in the strength of the marijuana, even when it was sold under the same name. For instance, three samples of…a popular strain known to give a euphoric high tested at 13.54%, 13.63% and 18.73% THC.
Because marijuana strains aren’t patented or trademarked, stores can call the strains anything they want. There’s no guarantee you’re getting what you’re buying because growers aren’t DNA testing their strains. And federal trademark and patent enforcers don’t step into the marijuana marketplace the way they can with knock-off products like cellphone cases or handbags.
The marijuana we bought ranged from 13.18% to 20.64% of THC. Murray said her staff recently tested a strain that was 32% THC. Due to confidentiality rules, she wasn’t allowed to say what it was called or who grew it.
Store workers who sold us the marijuana said the strength-testing results have little connection with how the marijuana will affect users. Instead, they said, the kind of strain matters more. And they said the only way to really know how it will affect a user is to use it. …..
Pharmaceutical companies are subject to strict federal oversight of their manufacturing processes. Marijuana, which is treated as both a food and a medicine, is not. Colorado has not yet mandated testing for mold, pesticides and other contaminants in marijuana and edibles because there aren’t enough labs yet certified to do the work. State officials say they hope to have that testing in place by the end of the year. …..
Koski, the state regulator, said he understands the system may need improvement. He said he’s been focused on getting his enforcement arm up and running, so staffers can address the most pressing issues identified by federal prosecutors and state lawmakers. He said at some point his staff will begin reviewing and making public some of the vast trove of information that’s being collected every day. He said there’s no specific timeline for making those changes.
“We are at the infancy … as time goes on there are going to be improvements needed in the system,” he said.
Washington, the only other state with an active recreational marijuana marketplace, went about things differently. There, state regulators refused to permit sales to begin until the testing protocols were in place. That meant shortages of both marijuana and edibles when sales began.
Alaska and Oregon this fall also legalized recreational marijuana. Oregon’s system is based on Washington’s. Alaska’s is modeled on Colorado’s.
First published on Nov. 25 at USA Today Reprinted here for educational purposes only. May not be reproduced on other websites without permission from USA Today. Visit the website at usatoday .com.