Daily News Article - February 5, 2014
1. The first paragraph of a news article should answer the questions who, what, where and when. List the who, what, where and when of this news item. (NOTE: The remainder of a news article provides details on the why and/or how.)
2. What is the purpose of this mandatory technology?
3. a) What is V2V?
b) What is DSRC - what does it do?
4. List the pros and cons of this technology.
5. What might be an unintended consequence of the government's requirement that all cars have this technology?
6. Officials said it will be at least several years before automakers are required to put the technology in vehicles. What deadline has US Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx set for establishing a regulatory proposal?
7. The NHTSA has stated that using data such as speed and location of nearby vehicles, connected cars can assess risks and warn drivers ahead of common crashes such as rear-end, lane change and intersection crashes. This has been tested under both real-world and controlled test conditions.
a) Should the government require this technology - make it mandatory - or allow the market to show whether consumers want it or not? - should individuals have the choice to purchase it or not? Explain your answer.
b) Should the government dictate to auto manufacturers what they include in their vehicles in the name of safety? Explain your answer.
c) At what point are government imposed safety regulations too much? seatbelts, airbags, crash helmets required when riding in or operating a motor vehicle, driverless cars mandated for all to prevent human error… Explain your answer.