Daily News Article - October 2, 2019
1. The first paragraph of a news article should answer the questions who, what, where and when. List the who, what, where and when of this news item. (NOTE: The remainder of a news article provides details on the why and/or how.)
2. What is the NCAA? Be specific.
3. What are sports endorsements?
4. What does the new law prohibit the NCAA and universities from doing to athletes who sign endorsement deals?
5. What will the law prohibit schools from doing to attract athletes?
6. From “Background” below:
“the NCAA vowed to…challenge the law. Gov. Newsom said the language of the bill was carefully crafted to avoid a lawsuit. He also said the NCAA can’t afford to follow through on its threats because California “is truly a nation-state and the economic consequences will be profound.”
a) What does the governor mean by calling California a ‘nation-state’ as he refers to the control it has over the rest of the states in this matter? Is this harmful or helpful to other states? Explain your answer.
b) Consider the saying “As California goes, so goes the nation” - that state policies started in California will spread and be adopted by the rest of the nation. Is this a good thing? Explain your answer.
7. University of Chicago economics professor Allen Sanderson told NBC, "The NCAA's 100-year model is not going to survive another 10 years, there's just too much money involved.”
Watch the videos under “Resources” below. What do you think?
8. List several pros (benefits to the athletes, fans, etc.) and cons (including unintended consequences) of the issue. (or, what is the best argument for and against each side?)