Daily News Article - May 13, 2021
1. How do rental car companies normally operate?
2. What has caused a lack of supply of new cars?
3. What are rental car companies doing to meet their need?
4. What effect has the demand had on the cost of used cars?
5. a) How will the short supply help rental car companies?
b) Who will be hurt? How so?
6. a) What effect do you think this might have on teens and college students looking to buy their first used car?
b) How do you think young people looking to buy a used car should deal with this potential problem?
CHALLENGE: Do an internet search and read at least 2 articles explaining the following. List the date, source and headline, then answer the questions.
a) What is a semiconductor?
b) List at least 5 products that use semiconductors.
c) List the factors that have/are causing a semiconductor shortage.