Daily News Article - May 18, 2007
1. What was significant about the Bush/Blair press conference at the White House yesterday?
2. In England, the Prime Minister serves 5 year terms, of which there are no term limits. A prime minister may be asked to "stand down" (resign) by Parliament, or decide to stand down if losing the support of the people or his party. Tony Blair is standing down (resigning) during his third term in office. For what reason is he doing so?
3. How does Prime Minister Blair feel about his decision to support America in Iraq?
4. What did President Bush say about Prime Minister Blair?
5. What did Prime Minister Blair say about President Bush?
6. What words would you to describe Tony Blair's character? Explain your choices. Watch the video of the press conference to hear Blair and Bush in their own words at whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/05/20070517.html# (Click on the video icon in the box below the headline.)
7. In your opinion, did Tony Blair make the right decision to stand with the U.S. and President Bush despite the unpopularity of his actions or the personal sacrifice he made to do so? Explain your answer.