Daily News Article - November 9, 2009
1. List the world dignitaries and leaders who attended the commemoration of the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany today.
2. Apart from being the date the Berlin Wall fell, what has November 9, 1989 come to symbolize?
3. Describe some of the activities taking place to mark the fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago today.
4. a) How many miles long was the Berlin Wall?
b) For how many years did it separate East and West Germany?
c) Why was the wall built?
d) In your opinion, is there is a difference between a government building a wall to prevent citizens from leaving thier country and building a wall to prevent non-citizens from entering a country?
5. Read about the Berlin Wall in "Background" below and watch the videos posted under "Resources."
Some newspapers are reporting on President Obama's choice to decline Chancellor Merkel's invitation to attend the commemoration. Do you think it was important for the President to attend? Why or why not?