Daily News Article - March 15, 2019
1. The first paragraph of a news article should answer the questions who, what, where and when. List the who, what, where and when of this news item. (NOTE: The remainder of a news article provides details on the why and/or how.)
2. a) What data did they use in the study?
b) What statistics did they find?
3. a) How was Dr. Twenge able to determine what is most likely causing the drastic increase in these problems?
b) What did she determine the cause to be? — What facts did she use to back up her assertion?
4. What did research show about the amount of time spent on social media?
5. What did Ohio State psychologist Mary Fristad find is a main concern for her patients?
6. Several recent studies have found a connection between using social media and an increase in anxiety and depression etc. (If you have not experienced distress or anxiety over social media you are fortunate. But many people have, at least at some point.)
There is hope! Talking to someone you trust and getting help is key. Make changes: spend time with friends and family where you are not on any devices, take a break or completely quit social media. Most teens can’t do it on their own. Talk to a parent about it. Talk to other teens. Ask a teacher to discuss it in class. You are not alone!