Daily News Article - September 11, 2013
1. What is the focus of the 9/11 commemoration at Ground Zero each year?
2. What are organizers making a point to avoid, and to focus on, during this year's ceremony and in years to come?
3. How will the Islamic terrorist attacks of 9/11 be commemorated at Shanksville, Pa, and at the Pentagon in Washington D.C.?
4. When is the 9/11 museum expected to open beneath the memorial plaza at the WTC site?
5. How will the focus of the 9/11 museum differ from that of the 9/11 annual memorial?
6. Answer the following questions about 9/11:
a) Who was President on 9/11?
b) Who was the mayor of New York City on 9/11?
c) How many planes were hijacked?
d) What three locations were the terrorists targeting? At what time did each one hit?
e) Who were the terrorists? (religion and terror group)
f) How many people died on 9/11?
g) Describe the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993.
7. Read the "Background" and visit some of the links under "Resources." List 2-3 things you learned about 9/11 from this information.