Daily News Article - January 29, 2021
1. What is the purpose of the “State of the State” address?
2. Many State of the State addresses are given during the day. The President gives the State of the Union address in the evening. What time of day is best for a State of the State address? Explain your answer.
3. On what date will/did your governor give the 2021 State of the State? (Do an internet search to find this information. Visit your governor's website for details.)
4. Watch your governor’s State of the State address and answer the following questions. (If the address has already taken place, watch it online by visiting your governor’s website or youtube page, or by doing an internet search for “2021 state of the state+your state/governor’s name” - OR, If your governor has no State of the State scheduled for this year, watch last year’s State of the State address):