Tuesday – 5/9/06

Quote of the Week   —   Posted on May 9, 2006

Random thoughts from Thomas Sowell, Senior Fellow,
Hoover Institution, Stanford University:

“Many of the same people who claim that mental tests are not valid for college admissions decisions, or for employment decisions, nevertheless consider these tests valid for deciding that a murderer cannot be executed when he scores low on such tests — even though he has no incentive to score high.”

“One of the few encouraging signs in the current political scene is that Senator John McCain finished behind several other candidates in a Republican straw poll for Presidential candidates. Apparently his self-centered opportunism has not gone unnoticed, despite the good press he has gotten by pandering to the media.”

“How can people who say we don’t have enough troops in Iraq advocate that we intervene militarily in Darfur?”

“I love cheap watches. For no other product are the cheapest versions just as effective for their basic purpose as versions costing ten or a hundred times as much.”

Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University