Teen throws Hail Mary pass to himself

Human Interest News   —   Posted on May 12, 2014

TX teen Gary HaynesTX Teen Throws a Hail Mary Pass to Himself

Gary Haynes of Manvel High School in Texas is known all around the Web as the teen that can catch his own football pass.

His Vine video posted recently shows him throwing the ball up high and then running quite a distance to catch it.

He says it was 45 yards.

“I didn’t think it was gonna blow up to be this big to be honest,” admitted Haynes. “I just kept hearing my phone going off and looked at it and it was twitter from ESPN, Sports Nation.”

Some allege the video is fake, pointing to the fact that you can’t see the ball’s shadow. It wouldn’t be the first time a little trickery was used in a Vine video.

Haynes’ coach at Manvel was skeptical too.

So, he shot a video on Tuesday of his 17-year old player doing it again.

“He thought I could do it but he wasn’t sure,” said Haynes. “He wanted to make sure I could do it before going on different TV shows.”


Groomsmen rescue fishermen during wedding photo shoot

Australians Jo-Anne and Aaron Easterbrook were having their wedding photos taken in Queensland when they and their bridal party realized a fisherman was in distress off the coast after his boat capsized.

With little hesitation, the two groomsmen, Dougal ‘Doogs’ Grey and Clayton ‘Deani’ Deane, stripped down into their underwear and ran out to save the man.

After rescuing the fisherman the groomsmen continued with the photo shoot, this time in their underwear.

The bride said the groomsmen were the toast of the reception.

From Atlanta’s NBC 11Alive and London’s Daily Telegraph.