‘Batman’ pulled over by police outside Baltimore

Yes, ‘Batman’ was stopped by Montgomery County police officers on Wednesday, March 21, on southbound Route 29 at Prelude Drive, Silver Spring, MD, for no tags on his Batmobile.
In the movies, Gotham City police required a giant spotlight to find Batman.
Montgomery County police didn’t have to go quite so far, finding him cruising around in a Lamborghini Wednesday (3/21) in Silver Spring and pulling the unidentified man over for not having proper tags. The bizarre picture was posted to the department’s official Twitter page today, followed by a note clarifying that the “Batmobile” wasn’t towed.
Officer Janelle Smith, a police spokeswoman, said the driver is a Good Samaritan who dresses up as Batman and visits sick children at local hospitals. He has tags for the car, but had removed them and put the Batman logo in place instead. Police told him to affix the tags and sent him on his way.
This of course led to a few quips on the Montgomery County police Facebook page.
“Please people, remember to use your bat signal when you change lanes.”
“What a Joker.”
“Why so serious, MCPD?”
“Bff! Boom! Pow!”
You get the point.
Cops in Franklin, Tenn., might want to recruit this kid in 10 years.
A burglar broke into the family home of Landon Crabtree, 8, and swiped two iPads. The pint-sized detective used an iPad tracking device to help deputies find the missing loot four miles away, allegedly at the home of John Docherty, 46.
The deputies said they then found hundreds of other items at Docherty’s pad — guns, cameras, jewelry, guitars and electronics — stolen from homes and hotels between Florida and Virginia
And you thought New York City rats were big.
Florida wildlife authorities say they’re struggling to combat huge Gambian rats — which can reach nine pounds — in Grassy Key.
“We thought we had them whipped as of 2009,” state fish-and-wildlife rep Scott Hardin told the Keynoter newspaper. “We . . . went back and talked to people and [saw] there were rats that we missed.”
From The Boston Herald and NY Post.