The following is an excerpt from’s “Best of the Web” written by the editor, James Taranto.

image892What’s a Grecian Urn, Anyway?
“Greece Starts Firing Civil Servants for First Time in a Century”–headline, Christian Science Monitor, April 26

Other Than That, the Story Was Accurate

  • “Correction: The text originally said that Coolidge ‘helped to create the World War’ instead of ‘the World Court.’ This has been corrected.”–Huffington Post, April 23
  • “Note: In the original post, I wrote that the semi-automatic AR-15 was capable of firing forty-five rounds a second, which is obviously wrong. I meant to say that it was capable of firing forty-five rounds a minute. Sorry for the error, which I’ve corrected.”–John Cassidy,, April 25
  • “Because of an editing error, an earlier version of this column referred incorrectly on second reference to Pat Wechsler, newly hired at FleishmanHillard. Ms. Weschler [sic] is she, not he.”–New York Times, April 29

Hypothesis Confirmed

  • “Rats Laugh When Tickled, Scientists Say”–headline, Huffington Post, June 27, 2012
  • “Obama Tickles Audience at Correspondents’ Association Dinner”–headline, BBC website, April 28, 2013

Bush Ruined War for Eugene Robinson 
The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson has a contrarian column about George W. Bush–which, strange though it may seem, means that he’s highly critical of the 43rd president. We especially enjoyed this bit:

And it’s clear that the Bush administration did not foresee how the Iraq experience would constrain future presidents in their use of military force. Syria is a good example. Like Saddam, Bashar al-Assad is a ruthless dictator who does not hesitate to massacre his own people. But unlike Saddam, Assad does have weapons of mass destruction. And unlike Saddam, Assad has alliances with the terrorist group Hezbollah and the nuclear-mad mullahs in Iran.

I do not advocate U.S. intervention in Syria, because I fear we might make things worse rather than better. But I wonder how I might feel–and what options Obama might have–if we had not squandered so much blood and treasure in Iraq.

So he resents Bush for going to war in Iraq because it deprived him of the opportunity to beat the drums for war in Syria?

For more “Best of the Web” click here and look for the “Best of the Web Today” link in the middle column below “Today’s Columnists.