The following is an excerpt from’s “Best of the Web” written by the editor, James Taranto.

Reliable Sources
Authorities in Bangkok have seized “a shipment of arms and apparently sophisticated missiles from North Korea,” the New York Times reports:

A senior White House official in Washington, declining to speak on the record because the interception on Friday had required high-level coordination among intelligence agencies that watched the shipment as it was loaded in Pyongyang, said the seizure was evidence that the administration would “aggressively and rigorously implement” the Security Council resolution, passed in June after North Korea set off its second nuclear test.

It’s a good thing the official spoke anonymously, or the Norks would know that we have spies at the Pyongyang airport.

Joe Biden’s Incredible Job Machine
“President Barack Obama’s clean-energy initiatives will help create more than 700,000 jobs and allow the U.S. to double its renewable-power generation in three years, according to a report by Vice President Joe Biden,” Bloomberg reports. Wow, that’s a lot of jobs?

Or is it? Take a look at footnote 3 on page 2 of the Biden memo:

All of the job estimates used in this document correspond to jobs that last for one year. Of course, some jobs could last longer–in this case the number of distinct jobs would be reduced proportionately. For example, a project that employs one person for two years would count as creating two jobs.

We suppose if the guy doesn’t get fired from either of his two jobs over the course of the two years, that would count as four jobs saved or created.

Here’s Reuters headline: “Obama Administration Aims for High School Financial Literacy.” We doubt they’ll hit that target.

For more “Best of the Web” click here and look for the “Best of the Web Today” link in the middle column below “Today’s Columnists.