The following is an excerpt from’s “Best of the Web” written by the editor, James Taranto.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
NYC’s New Mayor
“[Mayor Bill] De Blasio’s Favorite Marxist Poet Blames Capitalism, White People for Problems in NYC Schools”–headline,, Jan. 14
Other Than That, the Story Was Accurate
“Correction: A post in this space incorrectly characterized a federal appeals court ruling that struck down the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality rules. The post incorrectly cited an opinion as being from the court’s majority ruling when in fact that language was from a separate opinion that was both dissenting and concurring.”–Washington Post website, Jan. 14
Bottom Stories of the Day
- “Jerry Brown Says He Won’t Run for President in 2016”–headline, Huffington Post, Jan. 15
- “Airline Passenger Falls Asleep With Finger on Slash Key”–headline,, Jan. 14
- “WH Delays Another ObamaCare Deadline”–headline,, Jan. 14
And the Bartender Said to the Bronco, ‘Why the Long Face?’
“The Seattle Seahawks say their decision to limit ticket sales for the NFC championship game to certain states was due to concerns over ticket brokers,” the Associated Press reports. Implicit is a denial of the claim, noted here yesterday, that Seahawks management were afraid of Nancy Pelosi and other San Francisco 49ers fans.
But CBS Sports reports that the AFC championship host Broncos are doing the same thing:
Denver has decided to sell tickets only to those who have addresses in the Rocky Mountain region.
Thus, unless you live in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Montana, South Dakota or Western Kansas, you won’t have the chance to buy tickets through Ticketmaster, according to CBS Denver.
Only Montana (the state, not Joe) is in both states’ sales area. But are we wrong for suspecting that the Broncos may be trying to keep New Englanders away–in particular, a certain haughty, French-looking Aurora native who by the way served in Vietnam?
For more “Best of the Web” click here and look for the “Best of the Web Today” link in the middle column below “Today’s Columnists.”