The following is an excerpt from’s “Best of the Web” written by the editor, James Taranto.

Imagine Being the Cop Who Had to Fingerprint the Chicken
“Men Accused of Taking Socks, Chicken Charged With Felonies”–headline, Austin American-Statesman, March 16

They’re Always in the Last Place You Look
“Dirty Dogs Found in Barn”–headline, WJAR-TV Web site (Providence, R.I.), March 17

Lemon Pledge
President Obama’s campaign Web site announces the “Organizing for America Pledge Project,” which asks Americans to take the following pledge:

I support President Obama’s bold approach for renewing America’s economy.

I will ask friends, family, and neighbors to pledge their support for this plan.

We find this creepy. Is this partisan of us? That’s not a rhetorical question; we’d appreciate it if anyone could point out (a) any examples of a Republican president, say during the past 30 years, asking people to take a similar “pledge,” and (b) if it was George W. Bush, any examples of this column’s defending it.

News of the Oxymoronic
“Man Escapes From Work Release”–headline, Chicago Sun-Times, March 16

Barack Aloha Obama
You might have heard of Hawaii, a southern North Pacific archipelago that almost half a century ago became America’s 50th state. It’s known for pineapples, palm trees and tropical weather, and while it’s said to be a lovely place to visit, hardly anyone goes there because it’s so expensive and far away–over 10 hours by plane from New York, and getting there by car literally takes forever.

It’s also the birthplace of President Obama…  Obama’s Hawaiian origins have been very helpful to the state:

Now with the administration of President Obama, who spent part of his childhood in Hawaii, there is a renewed interest for tourists to visit, travel experts say.

Obama never ceases to amaze us. If we had told you just a few years ago that Hawaii would one day become a tourist attraction, would you have believed us in a million years?

For more “Best of the Web” click here and look for the “Best of the Web Today” link in the middle column below “Today’s Columnists.