The following is an excerpt from’s “Best of the Web” written by the editor, James Taranto.
Hey, Kids! What Time Is It?
“It’s Time to Realize That Vladimir Putin Can’t Be Trusted”–headline, Washington Examiner, March 16
- “Analysis: Time to Rethink How We Educate Nation’s Doctors”–headline, Arizona Daily Star(Tucson), March 17
Answers to Questions Nobody Is Asking
“What Happens if Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Run for president? Chaos.”–headline, Washington Post website, March 14
Question and Answer–II
- “Would You Ever Try Orange Eyeshadow?”–headline,, Feb. 27
- “County Schools Eye Make-Up Possibilities”–headline, Murray (Ky.) Ledger & Times, March 14
Bottom Story of the Day
“Trump Says He’s Not Running for New York Governor”–headline, Associated Press, March 14
All’s Well That Ends Kvell?
“It’s not just congressional Democrats who are kvetching,” observes the New York Times’s Maureen Dowd in a column on the party’s political woes. But as we noted Saturday on Twitter, she originally wrote “kvelling.” Ann Althouse proves it with a photo of the printed page.
Kvell and kvetch are both Yiddish words, but their meanings are roughly opposite. To kvell is to beam with pride; to kvetch, to complain incessantly. The late William Safire had a column on the subject in 2007, back when it was Republicans who were kvetching. Too bad the Times doesn’t have any Jewish editors anymore.
[Note: The excerpts above are from the 3/17 BOTW archives.] For more “Best of the Web” click here and look for the “Best of the Web Today” link in the middle column below “Today’s Columnists.”