Today’s Article is a Video: Kamala Harris’ Interview


1. On Wednesday (September 25), Kamala Harris sat for her first one-on-one network interview since becoming the Democratic nominee in July. MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle was chosen by the Harris campaign. Prior to the interview, Ruhle said which one of the following:

a) “I am looking forward to hearing VP Harris’ plans on what she will do to fix the border crisis as well as skyrocketing grocery prices.”

b) “Kamala Harris is not running for perfect, she is running against Trump…we know exactly what Trump will do, who he is and the kind of threat he is to democracy.”

c) “Voters need to know specifics of the vice president’s policies – this will be no softball interview. I will demand specifics to get voters the information they need about what she will do as president.”

2. Watters said Stephanie Ruhle is a business analyst at NBC and the interview focused on the economy. He then said, “Harris can’t talk about the economy because _____________.”

3. Ruhle asked Harris, “For those who say these policies aren’t for me, what do you say to them?”
What is your reaction to Harris’ reply? (:56 to 2:19)

4. Prior to the interview, Kamala Harris has said her plan to fix skyrocketing prices is to pass a federal law to prevent price gouging. She also said she would implement price controls (the government tells a company how much they can charge customers for each product – this is a socialist plan). There is no evidence that companies/grocery stores are price gouging. Rather, prices of fuel/delivery and goods have risen with inflation and stores have adjusted prices with inflation.

Profit margins in the grocery industry are notoriously thin, typically ranging from 1% to 3% of revenue. Rather than point this out and ask Harris “Who is price gouging?” Ruhle asked “How do you go after price gouging without implementing price controls?…People start to get worried and they say ‘I don’t know what she stands for.'” What was Harris’ response? (2:30 to 3:00)

5. On trade policy, Ruhle asked about tariffs, pointing out President Biden uses tariffs.  She said, “Where do you come out on it – is there a good tariff a bad tariff?” (3:00 to 4:30)
What does Jesse Watters point out about Harris’ response?

6. Watch Harris’ answer (from 4:30 – 5:08) to a question about how she’s going to help Americans buy homes they can’t afford since inflation drove mortgage rates so high. (Watters says he has no idea of what Harris said.)
She’s then asked where she is going to get the money to carry out her plans. Watch her answer and Jesse Watters reaction. (5:08 to 6:32)
With whom do you agree: Kamala Harris or Jesse Watters? Explain your answer.

7. After the interview, Stephanie Ruhle said of Harris’ responses to her questions:
“Here’s what’s a little tricky. She doesn’t answer the question.” (6:37 to 6:57).
Ruhle’s job is to get the answers. Why do you think she didn’t say “Vice President Harris, you didn’t answer the question. Please explain what your plan is.”

8. Listen to Trump’s plan when speaking in North Carolina (6:58 – 8:00).
What point does Watters make about the Europeans? (8:00 to 9:30)

9. On Kamala’s “Opportunity Economy” – what is it?

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