Our nation is at an inflection point. What kind of America will we be? A land of more freedom, or less freedom? More rights or fewer? An economy rigged for the rich and powerful, or where everyone has a fair shot at getting ahead?

We are still today in a battle for the soul of our nation.

President Biden and Vice President Harris took office during a time of global pandemic, record job loss, and record crime. These past four years, Democrats proved once again that democracy can deliver, and made tremendous progress turning the country around. President Biden and Vice President Harris turned setback into a great American comeback for working families.

We’ve created nearly 16 million jobs, a record number of small businesses are being started, and factories are coming home. We lowered families’ health insurance premiums, and we stood up to Big Pharma to lower prescription drug prices. We’re helping students catch up on learning loss, and we’re forgiving millions of crushing student loans. We passed the first significant gun safety law in decades and made record investments in public safety, putting more police officers on the beat; today, violent crime is at its lowest in 50 years. We’re fighting climate change, reducing pollution, and fueling a clean energy boom. We’re rebuilding our nation’s roads, bridges, highways, ports, airports, water systems, and more. We’re seizing record amounts of fentanyl and securing our border in the face of Republican inaction. We’re closing the racial wealth gap and the gender pay gap. We’ve expanded benefits and services for toxic-exposed veterans; and we’re strengthening NATO and restoring American leadership in the world.

There is so much more to do. Democrats will fix the tax system so everyone has a fair shot. We will restore the right to choose. We will continue to bring down costs for families. We will stop a dictator from destroying our democracy.

Donald Trump has a very different vision – one focused not on opportunity and optimism, but on revenge and retribution; not on the American people, but on himself. He and his extreme MAGA allies are ripping away our bedrock personal freedoms, dictating what health care decisions women can make, banning books, and telling people who they can love. They’re rigging our economy for their rich friends and big corporations, pushing more trickle-down tax cuts for the wealthy and powerful, and a new national sales tax that will cost every working family an average $2,500 a year. They’ll cut the Social Security benefits that folks have paid into for their whole lives; and gut Medicare, Medicaid, health care, and prescription drug coverage. They’re eroding our democracy with lies and threats, refusing to denounce violence, and making it harder to vote. And given the chance, they’ll keep stacking our courts, locking in their extreme agenda for decades. We cannot let that happen.

President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats are running to finish the job. To grow our economy from the middle out and bottom up, not the top down. To reward work, not wealth. To lower costs. To tackle the climate crisis, lower energy costs, and secure energy independence. To protect communities and tackle the scourge of gun violence. To secure the border and fix the broken immigration system. To advance the Unity Agenda. To strengthen American leadership worldwide.

History has shown that nothing about democracy is guaranteed. Every generation has to protect it, preserve it, choose it. That’s what democracy is – a choice. A decision of the people, by the people, and for the people. And this is our moment to choose what we want America to mean.