Example of Media Bias:

Add the Washington Post to the list of news agencies suspenseful over Fidel Castro’s reelection to dictator. From the World in Brief digest on page A14 of the December 3 paper (emphasis mine):

In the first official indictation that he could remain Cuba’s unchallenged leader, Fidel Castro was formally nominated Sunday as a candidate for the communist island’s National Assembly, a requirement for continuing as president.

It remained unclear whether the ailing Castro would seek the post, but the nomination keeps his candidacy in play, providing a rare bit of suspense in a Cuban presidential election, analysts said…

While the Post culls its World in Brief feature from varying news wires, it could have reworked the wording to more accurately reflect upon Castro as an ailing dictator who’s never faced a free and fair election, not a beloved leader emotionally rent at the notion of leaving public service. 

Go to NewsBusters.org for the original posting.


Identifying Media Bias

To accurately identify different types of bias, you should be aware of the issues of the day, and the liberal and conservative perspectives on each issue.

Types of Media Bias:


1.  What type of bias is this excerpt an example of?
2.  Do you agree with Ken Shepherd’s assertion that “The Post…could have reworked the wording to more accurately reflect upon Castro as an ailing dictator who’s never faced a free and fair election, not a beloved leader emotionally rent at the notion of leaving public service” ?  Explain your answer.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.


1. The excerpt is an example of bias by spin.